PMP Network Presents in tribute
University of North Eastern California 2001

Timm Sharp as Marshall, came to U.N.E.C. from Fargo, North Dakota. Even though his dad thinks he is a business major. Marshall is a music major on the campus work study program. He is one of the best workers in the U.N.E.C cafeteria. Marshall always has a scam going on. Most of his scams involve hooking up with Rachel, the girl across the hall.
Carla Gallo as Lizzie Exley, theslightly neurotic, highly enthusiastic object of Steven Karps affection/ obsession. She’s the girl who flirts with all the guys, but mostly stays devoted to her possessive boyfriend Eric. Besides studying, most of her time is spent talking on the phone to Eric.
Jay Baruchel as Steven Karp, an eighteen year old incoming college freshmen who grew up only ten minutes away from the U.N.E.C. campus. A former geek. He is exited to be in a place where nobody could possibly know the geek he once was. Unsure what to do with his life. Steven’s left his major open………….undeclared.
Seth Rogan as Ron Garner, a devout Canadien. Came to U.N.E.C. from Vancouver. A business major. Ron is dry and sarcastic, and clearly the brains of the group. He has a tough exterior, but has a surprisingly soft spot for older college women, romantic comedies and Maxim magazine.
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